Who we are

The Algoma Community Foundation is part of a national network of Community Foundations.

Community Foundations in Canada are registered public charities that contribute to local initiatives by convening community actors around issues of local importance, capacity building, grant making, information gathering and sharing, and are derived primarily from donations and proceeds of an endowment.  

To learn more about Community Foundations Canada please click here:


Our Vision

The vision of the Algoma Community Foundation is to enable the people of Algoma to live vibrant and fulfilling lives while continuing to care for the natural ecosystems that have sustained us over generations. This vision recognizes and acknowledges the Anishinaabe history of generosity and sharing, as well as the unique spirit of giving in our communities.


Our Mission

Our mission is to practice innovative philanthropy based in careful thought, strategic investment, social justice and relevant giving. We believe that a responsible stewardship of our environmental, social, cultural and economic diversity will create lasting change and loving relations for generations to come.